Solving (set 2)

John is three years older than Peter. John is
21 years old. How old is Peter  ?
Paul is half as old as Henry. If Paul is twenty, how old is Henry ?
Somebody buys two dozens of eggs, 0.13 euro each egg. Which is the total price ? €  How many seconds are there in a 30 day month ?  
Bernard buys 1.2 kg of carrots, 600 g of grapes,
250 g of oinons and 1.3 kg of apples. How does the contents of its basket weigh in kg?  
A 435 km car race is completed in 60 equal length laps. How long is one lap?  
I share out 345 marbles equally between 7 children. If I give out as many marbles as possible, how many do I have left at the end ?  
How many 12 cL glasses can you fill from a 150 cL magnum of champagne ?  
I have to transport 138 books. I can carry 12 at a time. How many trips must I make ?   Peter drinks 0.25 L of milk per day. How many litres will he drink in 3 years ?