Calculating a distance


The shrike is a migratory bird which can cover, at a constant speed, 700 kilometres in 20 hours. It crossed the Mediterranean Sea in 12 hours.
How far dit it fly in kilometres?

The circus keeps a panther in a square cage of perimeter 16 metres. The panther paces up and down one side of the cage continuously, doing 10 'there and backs' in one minute.
How far does the panther in metres in one hour?

It takes the light from the Sun about 8 minutes 19 seconds to reach the Earth. The Earth is 149,600,000 km from the Sun.
How many kilometres does light travel in one second ?
round to the nearest hundredth
A satellite orbiting the Earth covers about 266,400 km in 24 hours.
How many kilometres does it travel in 6 minutes?

The moving walkway at Montparnasse-Bienvenue Metro station in Paris moves at a constant speed of 50 metres per minute. Someone noticed that it took 3 minutes 36 seconds to be carried from one end to the other. How long is the walkway in metres? m