Latitude and Longitude

The equator is an imaginary line on the Earth's surface that is approximately equidistant from the two poles.

A parallel is an imaginary east-west line that circles the globe.

A meridian  is an imaginary arc on the Earth's surface from the North Pole to the South Pole.

The Greenwich Meridian is the meridian which passes through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, East London.

The latitude is an angular measurement in degrees between a parallel and the equator.

The longitude is an angular measurement in degrees between a meridian and the Greenwich Meridian.
What is the latitude of the North Pole?                         
What is the latitude of the South Pole?
What is the latitude of a place on the Equator?
What is the longitude of a place on the Greenwich Meridian?
What is the latitude of a place on the Tropic of Cancer?
What is the latitude of a place on the Tropic of Capricorn?
What is the latitude of a place on the Arctic Circle?
What is the latitude of a place on the Antarctic Circle?